Transing the Internet ZINE

The Transring 'Zine!

Tranzine the Internet is a community zine hosted by the Transing the Internet webring. (A zine, if you aren't aware, is a small magazine made by independent artists.) Tranzine's goal is to bring TTI a little closer together—god knows the world isn't lacking in trans community. We hope you'll have fun working on this with us & everyone else!

Zine contributions close on ! Please make sure to send us your contributions before then. The zine'll then be formatted by us and published on the 19th.

3 contributions recieved :-)

How does this work?

Anyone can contribute pages to the zine! You can fill your pages with whatever you'd like, so long as it can be put in a PDF. That means no audio or video, but art, poetry, prose, tutorials, reviews, collages, or any other visual anything are all free game.

This edition of Tranzine the Internet is unthemed—your contribution doesn't have to conform to any topic. If you would still like some inspiration, though, here's a list of prompts to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Draw some fun art! Of your sona, of your friends, of trans OCs, whatever.
  • Name a ____ of the periodical and talk about it. Animal, plant, solar system, beverage, meal... whatever you'd like.
  • Talk about how much you love your pets! Post some pictures! Aww.
  • Review some music you listened to. Bonus points if it's by a trans artist.
  • Write about queerness or transness.
  • Talk about the design process behind your site. What are little things no one would notice?

How do I contribute?

  • Every page in the zine is 5.5 inches by 8.5 inches (that's an aspect ratio of 11x17). Make sure your contribution takes up full pages.
    • You can take up anywhere from one to four pages!
    • If you're making your contribution in HTML, try using in measurements.
  • If you'd like to, link your site somewhere in your page(s).
  • Send an email to with the subject line "tranzine" and your contribution attached! Image format is best, but we'll format any text contributions and screenshot any html ones.
    • Additionally, to credit people easier, it would be appreciated if you stated your name, pronouns, and/or anything else in your email that you would like for us to put on our credits page :-)

That's it! Your contribution will be added to the final zine. If you have any additional requests, like having your contribution placed next to anyone elses', feel free to include that in your email.

Questions? You know where the mailbox is.